A new spinal implant has helped paralyzed patients walk again

Scientists from Switzerland reported that they managed to successfully use a spinal implant in work with partially paralyzed patients. The article emphasizes that the implant is installed in the human body. This device is able to send special electrical impulses that can simulate the brain for the body.

The doctors noted in their article: they expect that after this development, people with severe spinal injuries will really have a chance to return to a full-fledged life, that is, to start standing, walking and even playing sports again.

One of the first patients who agreed to participate in the study is the Italian Michel Roccati. Earlier, he had a serious accident with a motorcycle. After the blow and injury, he cannot feel his legs and cannot walk. When the implant was implanted in him, Michel was able to take his first steps after the accident a few weeks later.

Now the Italian only needs a support that helps maintain balance. According to the patient, he was able to get up and walk within two hours. He can now walk almost a kilometer without interruption. “It was a very emotional experience,” the patient told reporters. He separately noted that now he can again talk to people while standing and wash normally in the shower.

The authors of the development note that while the device can help those whose injury is located above the lower thoracic spinal cord (it goes from the base of the neck to the stomach). Neurobiologists also count on further developments.

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Author: alex

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