A number of products that can harm men have been named

Men's health directly depends on the products that are in the diet of men almost every day. Doctors warn that some products can harm dysfunction.

First of all, experts recommend that men give up chips. Although this snack attracts the male population like nothing else, especially with low-alcohol drinks.

Chips are no longer made from potatoes, now they are made from starch and flour, and they also contain an excess of flavor enhancers and oil.

Chips can lead to obesity and increased cholesterol. But most importantly, if a man prefers chips, he produces a female hormone.

Experts also recommend eating less sweet foods, especially those sweets that contain a lot of margarine. Anything that contains margarine can be excluded from the diet of men.

Margarine disrupts metabolism, leads to increased cholesterol and clogging of blood vessels.

Sauces based on dairy products, such as mayonnaise, have the same effect. Now it is not made from natural products, so it contains a lot of refined vegetable oils, emulsifiers and vinegar. All of these components have a negative effect on men's health.

And the last on this list, doctors named sweet carbonated water. They contain a lot of sugar, so these drinks can lead to obesity, high cholesterol and other diseases.

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Author: alex

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