A nutrition expert spoke about the dangers of popular fish
Bavarian Consumer Center nutritionist Daniela Krell said that fish is an extremely healthy food and should be present in the diet once or twice a week, but it can also be extremely dangerous.
Its benefits are omega-3 fats and iodine. , which prevail in seafood. The danger lies in contamination of fish with mercury.
As the expert noted, high mercury content is most often observed in old and large fish.
This applies to such species as swordfish and tuna. The concentration of this heavy metal also depends on the area where the catch took place. The situation with marine fish has become so deplorable that pregnant and lactating women have been banned from eating it in Europe. Most often, it is tuna that is prohibited for consumption. Krel reminded that mercury is very toxic and can cause serious damage to the fetus.
The expert also asked to be very careful with fish from aquaculture, those that are bred and grown in fish farms. For example, salmon very often contains the lion's share of antibiotics and pesticides that are added to feed.
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