A nutritionist debunked a common myth about a healthy breakfast
What can start the day with porridge lead to.
A healthy breakfast can only be considered if it consists of products containing proteins and carbohydrates. This is what a nutritionist believes.
“From the morning, the plate should not be filled with only one component, such as porridge, as it is commonly believed,” said the nutrition expert.
Carbohydrates are necessary for humans. in the morning to energize him. But the lack of proteins in breakfast, contained, for example, in an omelet or cottage cheese, can lead to their deficiency during the day. This means that the body will experience the negative impact of an excess of fats and carbohydrates, which threatens with extra kilograms.
“If we do not get enough protein for the day, we will get an excess of fat and carbohydrates, there are no other options,” the doctor explained. .
According to the nutritionist, in order not to worry about the appearance of excess weight, it is necessary to start the day with a balanced breakfast.
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