A nutritionist explained how sleep quality affects body shape
The nutritionist said, what is the relationship between sleep quality and body slimness.
Lack of sleep directly affects our weight. And on the increase.
“Sleep restriction increases the feeling of hunger and appetite due to changes in metabolic and endocrine function: sensitivity to glucose and insulin decreases, and evening levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and ghrelin (hunger hormone) increase , while the level of leptin (hormone of satiety) “, says the expert.
A disturbed sleep pattern will inevitably lead to a failure of eating behavior. After a sleepless night, an insatiable appetite appears, which leads to frequent snacks.
How much sleep do you need to stay slim? At least 7 hours. Better – 9 hours, if you have such an opportunity. More is more than the norm.
People who sleep less than 7 hours a day are more likely to suffer from obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Not only our body suffers, gaining extra weight, but also cognitive functions. Yes, chronic lack of sleep impairs memory, attention, and ability to concentrate.
Also, people who constantly lack sleep are more prone to depressive disorders.
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