A nutritionist explained the harm of instant noodles
Dietitian Batoul El-Alva, in an article for the Lebanese publication Ad-Diyar, called noodles the most popular product in the world. This is fast food, and such food poses a great threat to health.
For example, regular consumption of “instant noodles” disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causes inflammation and increased acidity in the stomach.
Since noodles are sometimes deep-fried, almost all of their nutritional value simply disappears, but the concentration of saturated fats increases.
The increased sodium level in the dish increases blood pressure – this will negatively affect the work of the heart.
Instant noodles contain monosodium glutamate, which causes headaches and weakness, and a person may also complain of muscle tension or rapid pulse. You can replace the product with noodles with quinoa, rice noodles, fruits and peanuts.
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