A nutritionist lists the best products for breakfast

Greek yogurt, eggs, bananas, nuts and other products optimally suitable for breakfast were listed by the British specialist, nutritionist and nutritionist Rebecca Traylen.

On the Netdoctor portal, the nutritionist said that eggs is one of the best foods you can eat for breakfast. The expert noted that their consumption effectively helps regulate blood sugar levels, prevents glucose spikes, which protects against severe hunger attacks and overeating.

Nuts are recommended by a nutritionist as an additive to porridge, yogurt, and cheese: they provide the body with useful fats, fiber, antioxidants. Including nuts in the morning meal, according to the expert, lowers cholesterol levels, helps normalize blood pressure and weight.

Also, the list of the best breakfast foods includes bananas: the pectin contained in them is useful for prevention an increase in the level of sugar in the blood, serves as food for useful intestinal bacteria. In addition, they have a lot of potassium, which helps regulate fluid balance, which is a key factor in maintaining normal blood pressure.

Avocados are perfect for breakfast, which allows the body to receive 20 vitamins at once, and are also extremely useful for fatty acids of the cardiovascular system.

Greens, berries and seeds, grapefruit, baked beans were also listed by the nutritionist.

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Author: alex

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