A nutritionist named oatmeal the most useful

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Oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest breakfast foods. Cereal is rich in fiber, useful carbohydrates and essential nutrients. Plus, it's the perfect base to top it with nuts, yogurt, or seeds. But in order to get even more benefits from morning porridge, it is important to consider which oatmeal is used for its preparation.

Healthy nutrition experts recommend using whole grain cut oats, also known as steel-cut or Irish oatmeal. It is a whole-grain cereal that is cut into small pieces rather than rolled into a flake.

“Steel-cut oats are the least processed [type of oats] and the healthiest option. The fibers in it are very useful for intestinal health, hormonal balance and weight control,” said the nutritionist.

At the same time, instant oatmeal is considered the least useful, as it undergoes the most processing during the production stages. According to the specialist, the ideal option is to buy organic oats, as they are not treated with toxic pesticides.

As for the methods of preparing porridge, the doctor advised soaking the oats in water overnight. In the morning, you need to drain the water, after which you can prepare porridge in the usual way. “Oats soaked overnight are easier to digest and also lower phytic acid levels, which helps your body absorb nutrients better,” she explained. The nutritionist added that soaking oats also increases the amount of resistant starch, which helps keep the feeling of satiety longer and nourishes the beneficial microbes in the intestines.

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Author: alex

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