A nutritionist named the best fruit for weight loss
The dietitian doctor told on Instagram about the best fruit for all people who are trying to lose weight. The specialist claims that it is an avocado – its pulp promotes active burning of fats.
The nutritionist named the best fruit for weight loss, along the way explaining why she recommends everyone who wants to lose weight to eat avocado. According to the specialist, the plant product contains a large number of useful vitamins and trace elements that improve the activity of the digestive system and contribute to weight loss. Among these compounds are folic acid, vitamins of group B, A, C, K, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, copper, iodine, magnesium.
The nutritionist explained that although the fruit is considered high-calorie product (100 grams provide 212 kilocalories), it is filled with easily digestible monounsaturated fatty acids that ensure the effect of weight loss.
“Its oleic acid lowers cholesterol levels, and L-carnitine accelerates metabolism, helping to “burn” excess weight” , the nutritionist said.
In addition, avocado is full of fiber: half of an average fruit is almost 30 percent of the daily norm, the doctor noted. This feature only strengthens the fruit's ability to influence such desirable weight loss.
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