A nutritionist named the easiest way to get rid of dangerous belly fat
Because visceral fat is the phenomenon is not new and well-studied, nutritionists have discovered optimal ways to burn fat.
A nutritionist-nutritionist told how to get rid of belly fat.
“One of the most important elements of losing weight includes, contrary to opinion, participation in an action that does not require any movement. Lack of sleep can impair a person's ability to lose weight. For optimal weight loss, an average of seven to nine hours is recommended,” says the nutritionist.
More quality sleep over a long period of time can help keep extra weight off after losing it.
“That the fact that sleep health is so closely related to weight loss maintenance is important because many of us do not get the recommended amount of sleep needed for optimal health and functioning.”
Future research, examining possible ways to improve sleep in obese adults will be an important step toward limiting weight regain. A study conducted in the US found that morning exercise is the best time to lose weight, and evening is the best time to exercise to build muscle.
The study also found that women burn more fat when morning exercise, while men burn more fat during evening exercise.
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