A nutritionist named the five worst foods for breakfast

Healthy nutritionist Christine Milmine spoke about breakfast foods that are not recommended. According to her statement, they lack the necessary nutrients and can be dangerous for the figure.

The nutritionist reminded that breakfast is an important meal. When losing weight, it should include protein, fiber and a small amount of sugar.

The doctor added that donuts and pastries should not be chosen for breakfast. This food has sugar, harmful fats and minimal fiber content. The feeling of satiety after eating such food can pass quite quickly, resulting in overeating.

As a substitute for sweet yogurt with flavorings, nutritionist Jinan Banna recommends using Greek yogurt. It can be enriched with fresh berries and fruits.

Also harmful products for the first meal are toast with butter and muffins. Toast bread is considered the main problem. It is better to give preference to a healthy type of bread. Cupcakes are enriched with flour and have a lot of calories, and they are also low in protein. Sweet flakes have a minimal amount of nutrients and a large amount of sugar.

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Author: alex

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