A nutritionist named the formula for the ideal weight of a woman at the age of 40

Many women have revaluation of values ​​closer to the age of 40: one's reflection in the mirror begins to annoy in the morning, in the gym there is complete demotivation in the form of young fit girls, at work there are slim co-workers who chew buns and do not recover. In the store, for some reason, you are no longer called a girl, but a woman, and they offer you not dresses, but parachutes. But what is it? Only yesterday you were young, cheerful and slim, and already today you are turning into the one you do not want to turn into.

Dietitionist and therapist Yulia Mashentseva explained the formula of the ideal age for a woman 40+, as well as why and what changes occur in the body at this time.

If you want to be happy, be happy!

It is at this age that many women worry about losing their beauty, attractiveness, and weight changes. By the age of 40, the hormonal background begins to change, the body prepares for changes that will inevitably occur with the onset of menopause.

“Weight gain is one of the first notifications that this period is not beyond the mountains”.

This happens due to a decrease in estrogen: the cells of our body stop absorbing sugar normally, and because of this, the level of glucose rises. The body evaluates such a condition as dangerous and strives to remove glucose by any means, urgently processing it into fats.

The hormone leptin also comes into play with weight gain. It controls appetite and satiety. The level of leptin decreases with estrogen deficiency, which provokes hunger, despite the fact that, objectively, energy reserves are still sufficient. And the woman begins to eat more, unconsciously chooses high-calorie, harmful food.

It is these disturbances of metabolic processes that begin to start the “program” of gaining weight, even if the woman was not prone to it before.

But you should not think that excess weight is inevitable, only the tendency increases.

Moreover, 40 years is an ideal period to start monitoring your health more carefully. It's just that the estimate of a woman's weight after that age will be different from the estimate that applies to a woman before that age.

“There is even a physiological rate of weight gain in women during this period: plus 5-7 kilograms during menopause, if you do not change your food preferences and sports load.”

So what is the ideal weight at 40 years old?< /h3>

When calculating the “ideal weight”, it is necessary to take into account your height, weight, build and, as we found out, age.

For the calculation, you should subtract 100 from the height in centimeters (up to 40 years take away 110). Then, taking into account the physique, take away 10% if your figure is asthenic (thin) or add 10% if you are hypersthenic (broad type of physique). This will be the weight norm or otherwise “ideal weight”.

But we have already said that these indicators are averaged, no one has canceled individual characteristics. The framework that sets the limits of normal weight is a guideline for the correct assessment of your diet and lifestyle.

“Ideal is a weight that is comfortable for you. Weight should be combined with health, self-confidence, and cheerfulness during the day, so that it doesn't happen like this: I watch my weight, eat a leafy salad, but I got up in the morning and was already tired.”

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Author: alex

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