A nutritionist named the most dangerous E-additives in popular products

Products containing dangerous E -additives are usually among the most popular among buyers. These include pâtés, margarines, breakfast cereals, cheeses and confectionery.

As the nutritionist noted, a basket in which there are no products with additives can be not only healthier, but also cheaper.

< p>The specialist explained that E-additives are used to increase the shelf life of the product, neutralize oxidation, and also to achieve the desired consistency and taste. In general, they can be divided into three groups: conditionally harmless – made from plant extracts and natural products; conditionally dangerous – with excessive use, they can harm and dangerous – with a sharply negative effect on the body.

The latter, in particular, include E230 biphenyl, which is used for the production of margarine, ice cream, confectionery, as well as E214 ethylparaben , which is added in the production of meat products, pâtés, cheeses, dairy desserts and breakfast cereals.

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Author: alex

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