A nutritionist named the three best drinks for brain health

Frequent forgetfulness is quite common phenomenon, because the brain undergoes many changes with age. In this case, adjustment of daily habits will help.

For example, Mayo Clinic doctors note that constant communication, daily mental exercises, physical activity and the inclusion of certain drinks in the diet will help improve brain health. Nutritionist Amy Goodson told which drinks are considered the most useful for improving memory.

According to the expert, coffee and green tea should be consumed to maintain brain health. “Green tea contains many polyphenols and antioxidants, which can protect against cognitive decline and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases,” she said.

Pomegranate juice is also very useful. Hudson noted that the drink can contain four times more antioxidants than green tea. Moreover, pomegranate has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which it weakens chronic inflammatory processes in the body.

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Author: alex

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