A nutritionist named the worst products for soup

Despite the fact that many people consider soup to be healthy , few people know how to cook it properly. In fact, with just a few ingredients, even homemade soup can turn out to be harmful. An expert in healthy nutrition told which products should not be added to the first dish.

Thick cream

Dietist Isabelle Smith advised to avoid cream-based soups. Instead, it is better to choose recipes where puree, vegetable or chicken broth is used as a base.

Boutin cubes

A typical bouillon cube contains the well-known appetite stimulant monosodium glutamate. In addition, it contains many artificial dyes, including yellow 5 and 6 (Yellow 5 and Yellow 6), which can have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children, Smith explained.

Sausage and cheese

Most types of sausages and sausages are harmful to health. The main reason is the large amount of fat in these products and the same monosodium glutamate.

As for cheese, at first glance, a small amount of it may seem harmless. However, in reality, it should be remembered that cheese already contains fat and salt, due to which their total content in the main dish increases.

Flour, noodles and white rice

White flour makes the soup thicker, but from a nutritional point of view, it provides nothing but calories.

For the same reason, you should not add noodles to the dish, as they are usually made from refined wheat. It is better to replace it with whole grain pasta, chickpea noodles or zucchini.

Chicken rice soup may seem like a healthier option, but carbohydrates are the same everywhere. It is better to avoid white rice especially for people who want to lose weight. Barley, quinoa and brown rice are good substitutes.

Canned vegetables and tomato sauce

Canned vegetables usually contain excess salt and flavor enhancers, which even in small doses can cause stomach pain. For example, only 0.5 cups of canned green beans contain 380-390 mg of sodium. The nutritionist advises using fresh and frozen vegetables for soups.

As for tomato sauce, it usually has too much sugar. Home-made sauce or ordinary tomatoes can solve the problem.

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Author: alex

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