A nutritionist spoke about the beneficial properties of celery

The nutritionist spoke about the beneficial properties of celery for the human body. According to her, this plant does not have the “magical” effect that is attributed to it, but it contributes to weight loss.

Regarding celery, many people tell stories, mentioning this vegetable as a very effective remedy for extra pounds. It is believed that the plant contains substances that literally burn fat, but in reality this is not the case, the nutritionist hastened to refute the myths.

She emphasized that the product does not stand out from its group by anything special. However, it is still beneficial for the body. It has very few calories, only 50 per hundred grams of product. If you replace them with more caloric food, you can reduce the amount of substances consumed that provoke an increase in body weight with the same amount of food.

In addition, celery contains many trace elements, the main ones of which are chromium, iron, calcium and magnesium. The amount of vitamins can be determined literally by eye. The more intense the color of the vegetables, the more useful substances it contains.

The nutritionist emphasized that this plant has a specific taste, so it is better to add it in small portions or use it as a seasoning at the first stages. To eat a large amount of the product, you need to heat it first. At the same time, later it is still recommended to eat it raw.

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Author: alex

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