A nutritionist spoke about the benefits of a cheap vegetable popular in Ukrainian cuisine

Beetroot contains betaine, potassium and calcium salts, iodine, fiber and many other substances useful for human health. And the average cost of a useful root vegetable is only UAH 20 per kilogram.

Beetroot improves the condition of capillaries, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, said nutritionist Ksenia Boroda. In addition, the use of vegetables contributes to the normalization of stools, improvement of the assimilation of protein, vitamin B12, iron and magnesium, “purification” of the blood, restoration of liver function and balance of metabolic processes.

According to the nutritionist, the mass of useful properties is beetroot betaine. And betacyanin pigments, which give the root fruit its characteristic dark red color, are powerful antioxidants.

However, some people should refrain from or reduce the consumption of beets, Boroda said. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes should not eat this vegetable, she said.

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Author: alex

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