A nutritionist spoke about the benefits of unripe bananas for human health
A nutritionist spoke about the beneficial properties of unripe bananas. According to her, the tropical fruit contains a large number of vitamins and useful micro and macro elements.
Bananas are an ambiguous product. While some refuse to eat them because they are afraid of gaining extra pounds, others enrich their diet with the tropical fruit because it has benefits for human health.
The doctor reported on the little-known properties of bananas. They contain vitamins B6, C, carotenoids, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. The combination of these compounds is rarely found in other products. A similar composition helps bananas remain good for the heart. The product has an antioxidant effect.
It is able to get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood. Even unripe bananas can have a positive effect on human health. They contain fiber, which helps the gastrointestinal tract function normally.
Green bananas contain leucocyanidin. With its help, you can fight heartburn. Biogenic amines contained in the product improve mood.
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