A nutritionist suggested how to make buckwheat as useful as possible

In order to cook delicious and healthy buckwheat porridge, it is necessary know a few tricks. They were shared by a nutritionist, a member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists.

Yes, according to the specialist, buckwheat can be an ideal breakfast: it not only provides satiety and energy for the first half of the day, but is also lower in calories , than, for example, oatmeal.

Cooking buckwheat porridge, it would seem, is quite simple: you just need to pour water into a pan, add groats and cook over low heat until fully cooked. However, grains can both stick together and boil during cooking. The nutritionist told how to avoid this.

She recommends first of all to throw the buckwheat on a dry pan and only after the buckwheat smell has appeared, put it in a saucepan and cook on low heat. When the water almost boils, put the oil there, “since the combination of buckwheat with animal fats is useful,” the doctor said. not everyone does it.
“Grandmother's recipe – emphasizes the doctor – as soon as all the water is gone, we take a towel, cover the pot, put it under the pillow and let it get there.”

In addition, for according to a nutritionist, the iron in buckwheat is slowly absorbed by the body. However, if you add paprika and tomatoes to the porridge or mix it with orange juice (with vitamin C in the composition), then the iron begins to be absorbed much faster, concluded the doctor.

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Author: alex

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