A nutritionist told how to eat after 40 years to maintain health and figure

Women especially notice age changes, as the decrease in the level of sex hormones affects the metabolism.

The nutritionist told how women after 40 can lose weight and improve metabolism without harming the body. She reminded that strict diets can be harmful, especially in adulthood, as the metabolism changes and the body becomes more sensitive to what we eat, especially to the lack of nutrients. Therefore, monodiets are a bad option.

Estrogen, the production of which decreases with age, participates in metabolic processes and helps maintain emotional stability. Due to its lack, there is a decline in strength, irritability, and quick fatigue. But this is not a reason to give up sports – you can maintain your health and improve your figure only with the help of physical exercises. Proper nutrition will not bring the desired result without physical exertion.

It is also worth adding to the diet products that will help increase the production of estrogen or contain substances similar to this hormone. These are linseed oil, pomegranates, apples, apricots, beans and other legumes, celery, eggplants, spinach, nuts, poultry, fish, seafood.

After 40 years, it is important to keep sugar and cholesterol under control. It is advisable to reduce the number of fast carbohydrates, trans fats and products that contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels in the diet.

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Author: alex

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