A nutritionist told which foods should be excluded after 30 years
A proper diet is the key to good health and long life. Doctors recommend adding vegetables and fruits to the menu more often, reducing the amount of fast carbohydrates, salt and other harmful components.
You should monitor your health especially carefully after 30 years of age, since it is during this period that metabolism begins to slow down and hormonal levels change. Dietitian Artem Veris told which foods have the worst effect on the body.
Among the main ones, he singled out refined sugar, which is a high-calorie product. Frequent consumption of sugar disrupts metabolism and leads to the development of type 2 diabetes. In addition, sweets negatively affect the condition of the skin, accelerating its aging.
“Sugars enter into chemical reactions with protein and damage collagen and elastin fibers, the building material of our skin. It is better to add fresh vegetables and some fruits to your diet, which are rich in vitamins and fiber,” the dietitian clarified.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the glycemic index (GI) of foods. Foods with a high GI can provoke a sharp jump in glucose and the production of excessive amounts of insulin. The most popular products in which this index is 60 or more are white bread, potatoes, watermelon, chips, and carbonated drinks. Low GI in avocados, eggplants, nuts and mushrooms.
“It is also better to replace sausages, canned meat, bacon after 30 with safer and healthier products,” Veris added.
The fact is that consuming processed red meat leads to the development of hypertension, diabetes, as well as cardiovascular diseases. It is best to give preference to turkey, chicken or beef, steamed or baked.
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