A nutritionist told why tea cannot be drunk with honey and milk


Tea-the drink is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is rich in useful antioxidants, on the other – it has a lot of caffeine. The nutritionist told what you can drink tea, and what is not worth it, and also called the criteria that should be chosen by the drink. However, not every tea is useful, it is important that it is collected at the top of the plant, everything below is considered the second variety, and in tea bags – all that remains from processing, and even completely production dust. ” You can drink tea

“Honey is not the best option. Under the influence of hot temperature, it loses its useful properties. Tea with milk also should not be admired – milk neutralizes antioxidants, the most useful thing that is in this drink. In addition, such a combination can cause fermentation in the stomach. ”

What then to drink tea? The best “partners” – mint leaves (fresh or dried), jam, lemon wand.

How much can you drink tea a day? With too frequent use, tea can adversely affect the heart and vessels. Cardiologists recommend not exceeding five cups a day if medium -strength tea. However, if you are a fan of strong tea with a tart taste, then it is better to limit two or three.

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Author: alex

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