A nutritionist warned about the danger of useful bread
According to a dietitian Elena Solomatina, he is very useful for healthy bread for health. The use of such bread is dangerous.
bread in Ukraine traditionally remains one of the most important products. Nutritionist Elena Soloatina said that when choosing bread, the principle should be followed: the easier the composition, the better. It is optimal if bread is made from flour, water and salt.
“It is desirable that the flour from which the bread is made is not of the highest quality, but a peeled, second grade or rye,” – explained the expert. The problem is that finding good and quality rye bread today is not easy.
“Manufacturers use wheat flour and dye. There are practically no rye fields, ”Solomatina said. At the very beginning, it indicates what the product is made of, the last are additives. Regular consumption of bread with artificial additives, especially in large quantities, leads to the development of insulin resistance and increases the risk of diabetes of the second type of diabetes, the expert has warned. If such products are felt oily dough, then they contain margarine, which belongs to trans fats, with the consumption of which is associated with the development of dangerous diseases, including cardiovascular.
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