A nutritionist warned about the dangers of tomatoes

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There are conditions under which the use of tomatoes is not beneficial, but on the contrary – aggravates digestive problems. It is about ulcer diseases and gastritis. In this case, people are contraindicated to consume foods with a large amount of acids.

This was told by a nutritionist.

“You can add tomatoes to the diet little by little only when the exacerbation has passed. Also, with diseases of the digestive tract, it is better not to eat vegetables in their fresh form. It is necessary to exclude tomatoes in case of allergy. Moreover, the vegetable itself may not be the cause of the disease. However, it stimulates the release of histamine, the mediator that triggers the allergy process,” the specialist claims.

“The fact is that in this form they contain more lycopene, which is an antioxidant that protects against oncology, and it also reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases. You can boil the vegetable or put it out for a short time (ten minutes) on low heat. However, it should be borne in mind: during processing, the content of vitamin C decreases. Therefore, the most optimal option is to alternately use both options,” the doctor added.

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Author: alex

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