A nutritionist warned about the harm of sour milk cheese for dinner

As the nutritionist noted, it is very important to take into account the insulin index of the product, even if the food is deliberately very healthy.

Usually those who decide to lose weight, study the composition of products, paying particular attention to calorie content, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (KBZHU). Some focus on the glycemic index of food (most often these are people who monitor blood sugar levels). At the same time, the insulin index (AI) of the product is often not taken into account.

This index shows how the level of insulin in the blood increases in response to the use of a particular product. A high AI promotes the release of insulin, which is known to block the action of the fat-burning hormone.

– Insulin is a fat-storing hormone, high levels of which can provoke weight gain. Insulin resistance also increases, and this is the first step on the way to diabetes, the doctor emphasized.

According to him, the highest insulin response is caused not only by food with sugar and carbohydrates, but also protein products, especially dairy products. For example, sour milk cheese, and the one that has low fat, in contrast to a product with normal fat. The individual characteristics of the body are also important.

– Yes, one person's insulin release on cheese is the same, and another person's release on the product is completely different. But nevertheless, mainly, insulin is released on low-fat cheese, – the doctor noted.

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Author: alex

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