A person as a gift of fate: 10 signs of true friends
In the life of every human friendship plays an important role. True friends are those who are always there, in joy and sorrow, who are ready to support, help and simply share your thoughts and feelings with you.
But how to distinguish a true friend from just a friend? Here are 10 signs that will help you with this:
1. You can be yourself. With a true friend, you can be completely honest and open without fear of judgment or criticism.
2. You can always count on each other. A true friend will always come to your aid when you really need it, even if it is inconvenient for him.
3. You may not talk for weeks, but your relationship will not change. With a true friend, you don't need to keep in touch all the time, because you know that your friendship is strong and doesn't depend on frequent conversations.
4. You can share your secrets with him. With a true friend, you can talk about everything that bothers you without fear that he will spill your secrets.
5. You can always laugh together. With a true friend, you are always fun and comfortable, even when you are just silent.
6. You can express any criticism to him without risking offense. With a true friend, you can be honest with each other, even if it means criticizing them.
7. You always rejoice in each other's successes. A true friend sincerely rejoices in your achievements and will never envy you.
8. You can ask him for any help. With a true friend, you are not ashamed to ask for help because you know he will always help in whatever way he can.
9. You feel comfortable in his silence. With a true friend, you don't need to constantly fill the silence with conversations, because you are already good and cozy together.
10. You know that you can count on him even if he is far away. True friendship does not depend on distance, because you always know that your friend is near you, even if he is far away.
Remember: true friendship is a rare and precious gift. If you have a person in your life who possesses all these 10 signs, take care of him, because he is your true friend.
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