A person can never cheat aging

According to statistics, people live longer today not at all because we have learned defeat aging. It's just that we're not dying younger, as scientists claim.

From vitamins and plastics to various health-enhancing regimens, including exercise and strict diets, here are the many ways authors claim they can increase longevity life.

However, a new scientific study from renowned biologists suggests that this is all for naught. Humanity cannot cheat death. The authors of this study include 42 scientific institutes from 14 countries, which analyzed information on humans and 30 non-human primates.

It was found that all living creatures succeeded in increasing life expectancy over time, only reducing mortality. in childhood and adolescence, which was ensured by improvements in living conditions. Since 1850, the average human life expectancy has increased from just over 40 years at the time to just over 70 years now. And the fact that people are living longer today leads many to believe that we will eventually defeat aging.

Unfortunately, research has shown that this is not the case. People are living longer today simply because far fewer of us are dying young. In other words, the statistics are explained by the fact that today the child mortality rate is much lower than it was several generations ago.

The duration of human life is determined by biological processes, and we cannot overcome nature itself. A person will not be able to live forever, he is not capable of constantly increasing life expectancy, which, in fact, is just another look at statistics.

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Author: alex

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