A popular drink can slow down the development of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joints, its cause is damage to cartilage tissues of articular surfaces. Abroad, another term is used – osteoarthritis.

Researchers express different opinions about the benefits of milk and dairy products for alleviating the symptoms of osteoarthritis. There is an assumption that such products help maintain bone strength and, thus, are useful for this disease.

But there is also an assertion that the refusal of dairy products leads to a decrease in joint pain.

A study showed that women who drank low-fat or skimmed milk had a slower rate of osteoarthritis of the knee. Scientists from Harvard Medical School monitored the condition of 2,148 participants for four years.

Narrowing of the joint space is a sign of worsening osteoarthritis, the study says. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the more milk women (but not men) drink, the less their joint space narrows.

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Author: alex

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