A product with a proven ability to lower blood sugar
Spanish nutritionist Aitor Sanchez said that ginger is the most studied spice, while many exaggerate or, on the contrary, downplay its merits. However, it has been proven that it can lower blood sugar.
Ginger has at least two proven beneficial properties, the doctor said. First, it has an antioxidant effect. Secondly, ginger helps to increase sensitivity to insulin and decrease the level of glucose in the blood. Ginger, as well as products containing it, is recommended for overcoming motion sickness during travel. Yes, if you start to feel nauseous, you can drink ginger tea or eat ginger cookies.
– It is believed that eating ginger can cause digestive problems. They can occur if there is a large amount of the product, and not with the traditional use of ginger as a spice for dishes, said Sanchez.
If you want to lower your sugar level with the help of ginger, be sure to consult a doctor .
Earlier it was reported that the sensitivity of tissues to insulin is improved by spices: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger.
Factors of diabetes development are excess weight and hypodynamia. In addition, diabetes can develop due to a high level of cholesterol in the blood and constantly high blood pressure.
Doctors note that you should consult a doctor if the blood sugar level exceeds 6.0 mmol/l on an empty stomach.
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