A recipe for potato pizza in a pan

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Pizza came to us from Italy, but over the years it has taken root in Ukraine as well . Many local recipes and different variations of its preparation appeared. Today we offer you to cook pizza at home according to a very simple, budget and tasty recipe. You and your loved ones are guaranteed to like it.

Ingredients for 1-2 servings:

  • Potatoes – 4 pieces
  • Flour – 1 tablespoon
  • Hard cheese – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Mozzarella cheese – 100 g

How to cook:

1. Peel the potatoes, cut them, cover them with water, and boil them until ready. Salt when the potatoes begin to soften.

2. Mash the boiled potatoes well with a pestle.

3. Add flour, grated hard cheese, ground black pepper and, if desired, your favorite spices to the mashed potatoes. Mix everything well. Then knead the potato dough with your hands.

4. Roll out one large ball from the potato dough, which will then be divided into two halves. Roll each half into a round cake.

5. Place mozzarella cheese grated on a large grater on one cake, and close the top with the second cake. Glue the edges of the cakes together. You should get one large tortilla with mozzarella cheese inside.

6. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, grease it with oil or butter. Place the potato pizza on a pan and start frying until golden.

7. Then turn the pizza over to the other side and fry until golden. You can periodically turn it with a plate so that it is well fried.

Potato pizza recipe on a pan

Potato pizza is ready! Bon appetit!

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Publication date:
Author: alex

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