A rejuvenating diet: foods that slow down aging are named
The mechanism of aging is currently quite well researched , so there are many ways to control its progress. This can be done with the help of nutrition, said Mykhailo Ginzburg, a nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences.
In the interview, the specialist noted that there are so-called “rejuvenating” products. According to him, it is extremely important to use products that facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and direct the body's forces to support health. First of all, we are talking about fermented milk products that improve intestinal microflora.
You should also include foods rich in dietary fiber in your diet. These are fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals, coarse bread, algae.
In addition, Ginzburg listed special substances that are contained in some foods and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Such an effect must be taken into account when preparing a “rejuvenating” diet, according to a nutritionist.
“Anti-inflammatory molecules: catechins – green tea is rich in them, querticin – it is found in fruits. Curcumin and a number of similar molecules are oriental spices such as turmeric, pepper, and ginger,” Ginsburg explained. He added that curcumin is also found in parsley and cilantro.
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