A sick liver: an early symptom that manifests itself in everyday life
Hepatologists warn , that one of the early symptoms of a diseased state of the liver is confusion – for its control in everyday life, you need to consult a doctor.
When doctors talk about a diseased liver, they most often mean a fatty disease of the organ, which can develop due to bad habits – abuse of alcohol or unhealthy food, lack of movement and others. The special danger of fatty liver disease is that when it occurs, the organ may not only undergo obesity, but also more destructive processes – inflammation, fibrosis, cirrhosis.
What is also characteristic: a diseased liver may not announce about itself with bright symptoms, until deep damage to the organ develops. However, “there are some warning signs that can appear in everyday life – one of the symptoms that indicate liver disease is confusion,” said the British Liver Trust.
A diseased liver destroys the heart “periods of mental confusion, forgetfulness, mood swings, or brain fog can be indicative of liver disease.”
If the liver is damaged, it cannot cleanse properly blood from unwanted substances, and this leads to the accumulation of toxins in the brain – this is how unfavorable cognitive symptoms arise.
Other possible signs of a diseased liver:
- Loss of appetite, weight.< /li>
- Yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice).
- Swelling in the bones and abdomen.
- Drowsiness.
- Vomiting blood or blood in the stool.
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