A simple and affordable key to longevity has been revealed

The main causes of death in the world are cancer and heart disease, doctors state. They talked about a method that can protect against serious problems and help prolong life.

Eating flax seeds can provide protection against deadly diseases, writes Express. Research shows that lignans (plant compounds), as well as fiber and omega-3 fats in flaxseed can help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and other risk factors.

This is LDL cholesterol, experts explain. It's a fatty substance that sticks to the inside of artery walls, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.

What's more, flaxseeds can also help lower blood pressure, another predictor of heart disease. To do this, doctors advise to use them – for example, adding them to a glass of water – regularly for three months.

Several studies have shown that eating flax seeds can reduce tumor growth markers in women with breast cancer, and can also reduce the risk of other types of cancer.

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Author: alex

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