A simple and cheap drink turned out to be the key to a healthy old age
According to doctors, hundreds of people in old age are prone to Alzheimer's disease. Its symptoms include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and slowing down of mental processes.
Dementia is the name given to a group of symptoms associated with the continued decline of brain function. According to doctors, you can reduce the risk of its development by drinking a simple and self-prepared drink.
To reduce the risk of its occurrence, experts recommend regularly consuming lemon juice diluted with water. In addition, they advise using natural lemon juice as a marinade and to season most of their dishes.
According to the American doctor Deborah Lee, the brain of people with dementia contains a large number of end products of glycation (CPG). This is a type of protein that accumulates in the body and can be harmful in large amounts. They also appear when food is cooked for a long time at high temperatures.
“One of the easiest ways to reduce the amount of CPG, and therefore the risk of dementia, is to use lemon juice as a marinade.”
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