A simple treatment for the symptoms of autism in children has been found

A recently concluded study showed that with the help of inexpensive diuretics drugs may improve the symptoms of autism in children. Testing was conducted using bumetanide, a drug widely used to treat hypertension and edema.

Early studies have shown that the drug changes important brain chemicals in mouse models of autism, and there are studies that have shown positive effects of bumetanide, including in autistic teenagers.

Autism is a disorder of mental development that is more common in boys than in girls. According to WHO, 1-2% of people suffer from this disease. The disease can be diagnosed already at the age of 1.5-2 years. Children with moderate or severe autism face difficulties in social situations. They cannot look their parents in the eye or participate in joint play and conversation. Repetitive behavior is typical for them, and they can also show increased interest in objects. Such behavior has a negative impact on family life and complicates social contacts with other children.

Progress of research

The study was conducted by an international group of scientists from several institutions in China and the University of Cambridge. The work was aimed at studying the effect of bumetanide on the behavior of young children with moderate and severe autism. It was also necessary to understand the mechanism by which the drug affects this group of patients. This may help further the development of drugs for the treatment of moderate and severe autism.

81 children aged 3-6 years participated in the study. 42 of them received bumetanide for three months, 39 children were in the control group. Some children (38 in the bumetanide group and 17 in the control group) had their brains scanned using MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy), a non-invasive way to measure chemicals in the brain. The study measured GABA and glutamate, which are important for learning and brain plasticity (the ability of the brain to change and adapt as a result of experience).


In the bumetanide group, autism symptoms improved on both the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and overall physician impression. Doctors who evaluated changes in symptoms did not know which of the children received bumetanide. The improvement in symptoms was linked to changes in the ratio of GABA/glutamate chemicals in the brain and, in particular, to a decrease in GABA. The drug has been found to be safe in young children with autism and has no serious side effects.

Looking at specific improvements, reductions in repetitive behaviors and interest in objects were found. This reduction in antisocial behavior gives more time to improve social relations.

One mother of a four-year-old boy in the bumetanide group who lives in a rural area said that her child had improved eye contact with family members and relatives and was able to participate in family activities.

Importance research

Bumetanide can improve the quality of life and well-being of children with autism. Existing treatments are mostly behavioral, including applied behavior analysis, or ABA. Most families, especially those living in rural areas, have limited or no access to this treatment, as it is only available in specialized centers. Using bumetanide would mean expanding the ability to provide symptomatic treatment to such children.

Use of bumetanide may improve social learning and reduce symptoms of autism when these children's brains are still developing – into late adolescence and early adulthood. The scientists who conducted the research believe that the study of the properties of the drug should be continued in order to obtain more extensive data.

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Author: alex

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