A simple way helps get rid of warts
Munichen Sabrin Nickel Medical Expert shared in a very simple way to get rid of. Warts on the fingers or feet not only annoy, but also contagious. Therefore, warts should be treated, especially if they threaten to spread further or interfere with everyday life.
many so -called “medicines” promise relief – but only one really works, – said Sabrina Nickel about apple cider vinegar. It is what she recommends to get rid of warts.
According to the expert, thanks to such a simple wart method, they become brown and disappear for several days or within a week.
“to get rid of warts, no expensive medication with numerous side effects is required. Warts are caused by viruses, in most cases from the family of human papilloma viruses (HPV). Vinegar creates a base environment on the skin in which viruses can no longer multiply, ” – explained the specialist the principle of the proposed method of therapy.
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