A simple way to determine a weak heart and a tendency to heart attack

There is a simple method that allows you to determine a person's weak heart and tendency to heart attack. According to doctors, it is enough to look at the ankles after removing the socks.

A simple way to determine a weak heart and a tendency to heart attack

Being able to spot unusual signs that indicate the heart may be weak or damaged is critical to preventing dangerous conditions. According to WebMD, there is an easy way to identify heart problems and heart attacks.

“The rubber band marks left on your ankles when you take them off can be a serious warning sign of possible heart problems,” its experts warn. .

Traces on the ankles after removing socks is a common phenomenon. Most products contain rubber, and its pressure can leave a mark. However, experts say, such marks become more visible, deep, and embossed if the soft tissues of the legs swell from accumulated fluid.

This condition is known as peripheral edema and may indicate an increased likelihood of a heart attack, they emphasize. .

Doctors explain: peripheral edema occurs when fluid from small blood vessels enters the surrounding tissues. Usually, under the influence of gravity, they affect the legs, feet, ankles, although they can also affect the hands and other parts of the body. If the swelling is light enough, temporary, then it can be considered harmless.

“The manifestation of a strong, long-lasting mark from socks on the feet and ankles is an easy way to determine problems with the circulatory system, lymph nodes or kidneys. This happens when the heart is weakened or damaged and cannot efficiently pump blood throughout the body,” the researchers state.

According to them, other warning symptoms can be observed in cases of heart system malfunctions, in addition to swollen, swollen limbs.

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Author: alex

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