A simple way to increase the life expectancy of adults is named

Talking about simple ways that allow to increase life expectancy, scientists note: lifting heavy objects for less than an hour a week effectively helps to achieve this goal.

The latest studies show that strength training has certain health benefits regardless of aerobic activity. Specialists from the University of Iowa (USA) found that weight training, practiced by adults, is an independent method of prolonging life – thanks to them, the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies is significantly reduced.

“Lifting weights for less than an hour a week can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by 40-70 percent,” researchers said in a publication in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

They note that when it comes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, most people think of running or some other form of cardio activity. But lifting heavy objects is an equally effective way to keep the heart healthy until old age.

Scientists have also established that strength training effectively reduces the chances of developing diabetes or suffering from high cholesterol.

“Regardless of the degree of aerobic activity, less than an hour of weekly weight training reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome – a condition , which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The risk of getting high cholesterol is reduced by 32 percent,” the scientists state.

For adults aged 19 to 64, experts recommend striving for strengthening exercises that work out all the main muscles of the body (legs, hips, back, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms), at least twice a week. Strengthening muscles through strength training helps prevent obesity and provides long-term improvement in various health indicators, doctors emphasize.

“The time spent sitting or lying down should be reduced, and long periods of inactivity should be interrupted by some activity You should strive to be physically active every day – any kind is better than nothing,” the researchers summarized.

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Author: alex

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