A simple way to reduce high blood pressure has been revealed
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a serious condition that can affect the work of many vital organs, as well as lead to stroke and heart attack. It is suggested to reduce it with pills and other medicines, and some food products can help with this.
However, experts claim that there is another way to normalize blood pressure.
Yes, according to them, one of the important “countermeasures” is a sound sleep every night. Studies have not come up with an exact number, but it has been shown that sleeping seven to eight hours a day provides some benefit.
It is noted that regular sleep of less than seven hours a day and more than nine hours a day was associated with an increased risk of hypertension.
Regular sleep of less than five hours a day led to a significant risk of developing hypertension in the long term, scientists say.
Specialists at the Mayo Clinic emphasized that sleep helps the blood regulate stress hormones and helps the nervous system stay healthy.
“Over time, lack of sleep can impair your body's ability to regulate stress hormones, leading to high blood pressure,” doctors warned.
Source storinka.com.ua
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