A simple way to rejuvenate the body by nine years

A simple way to rejuvenate the body is regular physical activity. This is what the research results say. Its authors, in particular, recommend jogging.

The researchers said that a sufficiently high level of physical activity can add years to life and slow down the aging process of cells. This conclusion was made by them based on observations of a group of 5,832 people. Scientists compared the size of these people's telomeres with their level of physical activity.

According to scientists, telomeres, which are nucleotide segments at the ends of chromosomes, are strongly correlated in size with a person's age. Each time a cell replicates, a small portion of telomeres is lost. Thus, the older we get, the more our telomeres shorten.

Scientists state that physical activity slows down the process of shortening telomeres and, together with this, achieves the rejuvenation of the body and the extension of life in general. Specifically, they believe, jogging can be a simple way to delay youth for nine years.

“The more physically active we are, the slower biological aging occurs in our body. Jogging can give us a nine-year biological advantage. For example, women who ran for 30 minutes five days a week had longer telomeres than those who did not. A similar trend was found in men when they jogged for 40 minutes five times a week,” the authors of the research project said.

They recommend adults to be physically active every day, practicing the following types of motor activity :

  • brisk walking
  • swimming
  • cycling
  • dancing
  • tennis
  • working with a lawnmower
  • roller skating
  • jumping with a rope
  • gymnastics

It is necessary to strive for activity at the level of at least 150 minutes per week, experts emphasize.

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Author: alex

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