A simple way to turn dry pita bread into fresh and six delicious fillings for pita bread
Is pita bread dry? No problem! It can easily bring back the taste and lightness that make Armenian pita bread famous all over the world. A simple trick to save pita bread and delicious fillings is shared by the brand chef of the MAMA MAHAHA restaurant.
To return dried pita bread to its former elasticity and taste, you need to take… a sprayer. Spray the dried pita several times with water and send it to the oven for a couple of minutes. This way, pita bread will become fragrant, soft and plastic again. So, it should be eaten while it is hot. There are many filling options for this.
< h3>Greens and egg
The first option, the most ideal: we take pita bread, a lot of different greens (there must be tarragon), goat cheese and a hard-boiled egg. Crumble the cheese with the egg, put it on the greens (the greens do not tear), wrap it tightly in pita bread and enjoy. Wash it down well with a cold tan – it's a summer morning snack from Vienna.
The second option with pita bread, if there is a slice of cheese left after some event, you can take all the cheeses, chop them slightly, fold them in the middle of the pita bread and make an envelope. Either on a dry pan, or with the addition of a small amount of ghee, we fry on both sides. It turns out, let's say, crispy pita khachapuri with cheese inside – it's also very tasty. Tomatoes can be added to cheese in pita bread envelopes.
When you make an omelet with vegetables, or with basturma, or with tomatoes for a huge family and a little remains in the pan – this often happens. You can take this ready-made omelette, add goat cheese to it, wrap it all in a pita bread roll and eat it immediately without frying.
If you have leftover meat (pork, chicken – it doesn't matter) and vegetables from the grill, take a large piece of pita bread and make a kind of shawarma. We chop meat, vegetables and greens, add sauce. You can use mayonnaise, tartar sauce or adjika. We wrap it in shawarma and fry it on both sides in a dry frying pan, or heat the oven to 200 degrees and throw it in there for 6-7 minutes.
Fish in lavash is also delicious. Any boneless fish is first rolled in flour and fried almost until done. Take pita bread, put fried fish there, add your favorite greens, maybe a few pieces of butter for richness and aroma. We wrap all this in a roll and put it in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
And vegetarian pita rolls also turn out very well. We take all available vegetables from the refrigerator, avocados, tomatoes, if there is hummus – it's great. We add greens there, roll it all into rolls and you can either bake it or eat it raw. I like it better raw. And baked – only for a short time, literally 2 minutes in a hot pan, so that the lavash becomes crispy, and the vegetables remain fresh.
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