A special sauce based on cream and avocado for pasta

Cream-based sauce and avocado is a great option for those who want something unusual for dinner, but at the same time not too complicated a dish. This sauce is prepared from two main ingredients – cream and avocado.


Step-by-step preparation

1. Prepare the sauce in a blender. Put peeled avocado, grated cheese (hard grade), garlic (2 cloves), egg yolks, cream (20%) in a bowl. Then salt and pepper. The ingredients are mixed until smooth.

2. Next, boil the macaroni. After cooking, transfer them to a pan and add the sauce. After mixing, cook for 2-3 minutes.

At this moment, the egg yolks will do the “magic”, literally “sticking” to the pasta and imbuing it with the most delicious juice.

3. In parallel, fry several pieces of bacon. It is cut arbitrarily and sprinkled over ready-made pasta. The final touch is greenery.

Thus, with minimal effort, you will prepare a delicious dinner. Everyday pasta with this sauce opens up in a completely new and unusual taste.

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Author: alex

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