A stroke can manifest itself with non-obvious signs
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According to British doctor Rachel Ward, one of the symptoms of a stroke the brain may have hiccups.
The therapist from the United Kingdom appeared in the media with explanations about the non-obvious signs that a stroke can manifest. Rachel Ward also recalled the “classic” signs of this dangerous brain disease: they include facial asymmetry, the inability to raise both arms at the same time, slurred speech, numbness of body parts.
Talking about the possible non-obvious signs of a brain stroke, the therapist advised do not overlook the following conditions.
Hiccupping. Cases are known when patients hiccupped for a day or longer before a stroke. This is possible due to a blood clot interrupting the normal blood supply of the back part of the brain stem.
Headache. During a stroke, it becomes tolerant to the action of analgesics.
“If the head feels like is splitting, and the pills don't help, call an ambulance,” advised Rachel Ward.
“Foreign” body. The affected person becomes clumsy, the body “refuses” to obey, uncontrollable movements occur – all this is the result of a disturbance in the work of the brain centers of balance.
Nausea. It can be very strong, accompanied by dizziness.
Blurred vision.< /strong> Suddenly the vision ceases to be clear, the picture in the eyes “blurs”.
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