A study found the benefits of a glass of wine for people over 40
0 < p>A new large-scale study has found the benefits of regular servings of wine in adulthood for the prevention of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
The authors of the study (experts from the University of Washington School of Medicine) found the benefits of a glass of wine for people over 40 years old. Scientists have concluded that representatives of younger generations should not drink alcohol due to possible health risks, while moderate doses of wine in adulthood, on the contrary, will be appropriate. Their verdict:
“Young people shouldn't drink, but people over 40 are safe to drink a glass of wine every day for their health. In fact, it can even help prevent heart disease, stroke and diabetes.”
The senior author of the project, Professor Emmanuela Gakidou, said that experts analyzed the risk of alcohol consumption in relation to 22 negative health consequences, including injuries, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. The researchers were able to estimate how much alcohol a person can drink before they are at excessive risk to their health compared to a non-drinker.
They found that as people age, the amount of alcohol that people drink increases. can afford without harming health, increases. If a person after the age of 40 limits themselves to small portions of alcohol, the risk of some conditions common in old age, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, begins to decrease altogether. According to scientists, one glass of wine or even two in adulthood can be quite useful.
As for people younger than 40 years old, a very small portion – only two teaspoons of wine – can be considered a safe dose of alcohol for men. per day (approximately 10 ml). Women under 40 can afford two tablespoons of wine a day without fear for their health, scientists said.
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