A symptom of Alzheimer's disease has been called confusion with paying bills

American scientists from the National Institute of Problems on Aging (NIA) analyzed the condition of more than 80,000 elderly US residents who lived independently and, accordingly, paid bills and managed finances themselves. The results of the study showed that difficulties with money matters can be a warning about Alzheimer's disease, which is developing.

In particular, during the study, approximately 27 thousand people developed dementia, or mental retardation. On average, problems with payments began six years before the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

So, people began to delay payment 5.2% more often. Nine months after the diagnosis of the disease, this indicator was equal to 17.9% compared to those who do not have the disease.

It is noted that the most expressive manifestations of Alzheimer's disease in financial affairs were observed in people with a low level education Symptoms appeared even earlier – seven years before the diagnosis.

Those who had a higher education started to get confused about bills for payment only 2-2.5 years before the developed picture.

The authors of the study emphasize that such difficulties with money are among the unique patterns of disorders that distinguish Alzheimer's.

For example, with glaucoma, patients did not experience difficulties with finances before the diagnosis. According to scientists, this will make it possible to detect dementia in the early stages, and, therefore, to slow down its course in a timely manner.

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Author: alex

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