A symptom of bowel cancer we ignore
intestinal tumors are the most severe cancers. And success in their treatment depends on how early we recognize the main symptoms. Statistics also show that bowel cancer is a second type of malignant neoplasms in the Western world. Only in the UK does 44 people die from it, and every 15 minutes they diagnose a new tumor. It is very important to recognize the bowel cancer at an early stage, when the likelihood of victory over it is as high as possible, but unfortunately, people often ignore its symptoms, including the main one. The vast majority of people who face similar bleeding take them as the effects of inflamed hemorrhoids or anal cracks. Some believe that this is a symptom of inflamed bowel syndrome. Oncologists say that their patients with bowel cancer sometimes for 15 months in a row treat themselves from constipation and diarrhea, before they understand that it is something else, and they still need to meet a specialist. But a number of cases show that if people were more careful about symptoms such as bleeding after bowel movements, if they went to doctors to check the cause of this phenomenon, then their projections in tumor fighting would be much more iridescent. Should not be ashamed to discuss these problems with doctors.
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