A symptom that can signal high blood pressure is named

Hypertension, also called ” a silent killer”, is considered a dangerous condition, as the heart begins to work much more actively to pump blood and deliver oxygen to all organs.

A symptom that can signal high blood pressure is named

< p>Many people do not even suspect that they have high blood pressure. If the disease is not treated, the risk of a heart attack increases several times. Experts named one symptom that will help detect high blood pressure.

British scientists conducted a study in which 68 patients from the Manchester clinic participated. As a result of the study, it was found that 17 subjects with chronic cough were hypertensive.

Thus, experts concluded that it is associated with the risk of increased blood pressure. According to them, it may be caused by autonomic dysfunction, which is also known as neuropathy. The syndrome occurs when the nerves that control the body's involuntary functions are damaged.

The only way to determine high blood pressure for sure is to measure it, experts warn. To fight this disease, it is usually recommended to change the way of life. Experts advise to reduce salt intake and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.

In addition, it is necessary to switch to a low-fat diet that includes a lot of fiber. Regular exercise can also have a positive effect and regulate blood pressure.

Source storinka.com.ua

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Author: alex

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