A symptom that many people ignore will indicate a lack of vitamin B12

Lack of vitamin B12 in the body does not appear immediately. This is due to the fact that the liver stores some reserve of this element to replenish it when necessary. Therefore, the appearance of characteristic symptoms indicates an already critical level of B12.

It is noted that vitamin B12 is vital for the production of cell membranes. In turn, there are many of them in nerves. Hence, involuntary muscle contractions may occur with a lack of the element. Yes, eye twitching can indicate a vitamin deficiency. Usually, people do not take this seriously.

True nervous flow, as eye twitching is also called, is usually not a sign of a serious illness. It can also be caused by magnesium deficiency. Or banal stress and anxiety, fatigue, tension, caffeine, alcohol, or some types of drugs are to blame.

However, there will be nothing wrong if you include more foods rich in B12 in your diet in the coming days. Among other symptoms of a lack of this vitamin, tingling in the hands, legs, and feet is distinguished. There may also be difficulties when walking, in particular, problems with balance are noted. Anemia, difficulty thinking, and memory loss are common. It is likely that the tongue will become inflamed and swollen. The latter is weakness and fatigue.

In order to accurately detect a lack of vitamin B12, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass appropriate tests. After that, individual treatment will be prescribed. It is noted that B12 deficiency should be treated as soon as possible. Some problems caused by a lack of this element may be irreversible.

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Author: alex

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