A urologist listed foods that are harmful to the bladder
An improper diet can aggravate the symptoms of bladder diseases and provoke frequent or painful urination in some healthy people, says urologist Fenva Milhouse.
According to the specialist, citrus fruits, tomatoes and hot spices irritate the walls of the bladder, which sometimes leads to unpleasant and painful symptoms. Tomatoes increase the acidity of urine more than carbonated drinks and cause irritation of the mucous membrane. The longer they are cooked, the more acidic they become, so fresh tomatoes are less irritating,” Milhouse noted.
Another product that the urologist does not recommend for people with sensitive bladders is caffeine. She explained that drinks containing it — coffee, tea and sodas — have a diuretic effect and increase the frequency of urination.
In addition, Milhouse warned that smoking and frequent consumption of processed meat can cause bladder cancer. She explained that harmful chemicals found in cigarettes and meat products are filtered by the kidneys and then enter the urine. “Over time, they affect the lining of the bladder, causing cellular changes that lead to cancer,” the urologist said.
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