A vegetable that should be in your diet every day
Its daily consumption effectively lowers cholesterol levels, improves the body's immune defense against viruses, and also activates metabolism and promotes skin rejuvenation. Doctors strongly recommend including red onions in your diet.
Red onions are characterized by a high content of anthocyanins, which give them their characteristic color. Once in the body, these substances help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce cholesterol levels. If you eat red onions for 2-3 months, your cholesterol level can decrease by 20%.
According to the results of the study, substances in red onions can kill tumor cells. In particular, quercetin, which is contained in it, acts as a destroyer of tumor cells of the colon and breast.
In addition, red onions contain acid, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, and is recommended by doctors to those who experience constant stomach pain. Do not forget that red onions, like white onions, can be an antiseptic for viral and bacterial diseases.
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